Stay Warm

With old man winter bearing down on the north east its important to stay warm and cozy inside your homes. Its also very important to do that safely as fire and carbon monoxide calls rise dramatically during these chilly times.
If using a fire place ensure that the flue is in proper working order, and OPEN! Also have the chimney periodically maintained. This includes cleaning the soot and inspections on the integrity of the chimney itself. Dirty chimneys can catch fire as the creosote builds up in the chimney and eventually lights off when a fire is in the fire box. If the chimney’s integrity is not in tact this fire could leave the chimney and catch the surround and house on fire.
If you are using a portable space heater. Please make sure they have tip over protections and there is nothing flammable close to the heater. Clothes and/or blankets can quickly catch fire and spread to other objects in the area.

We have already had a snowplow-able snow storm in 2025. With the anticipation for more storms we would like to ask that you adopt a fire hydrant near your home. Please ensure that the piled up snow around the hydrant is not blocking access. At the time of a fire, water is critical for your safety, our safety and obviously extinguishing the fire! Slow access, or no access, can be a real problem for us.

Thank you to everyone that helped make our Annual Christmas Tree Sale a success. It was an interesting year with the setup due to our Main Street Firehouse being built but everything seemed to work out very well. We hope you had a very Merry Christmas and enjoyed your tree. We appreciate the support!
Out with the Old
For those that have, or will, pass by our Main Street Firehouse recently you will notice some very exciting changes coming for us! More to follow in the coming weeks...